A community nature-driven adventure-land where all humans can experience the relationship of spirituality, Earth, healthy biodynamic farming practices, and an inviting place to learn the balance of mind, body, and spirit.

It’s time to change for the better.

Our mission is to develop and showcase spirituality and biodynamic farming practices together. These centers are to encourage people to develop spiritually and consider creating farms that produce nutrient rich produce that is healthy for the environment. We believe in a future where people, earth, and spirit work together in harmony.

Our big audacious vision.

Our vision is to purchase land near residential areas and convert them into spiritual centers, in conjunction with a working biodynamic farm. The objective is not only to help people develop spiritually but also to learn and understand the importance of soil-rich produce and its positive impact on the environment. We believe we must reconnect with ourselves, the community, and Mother Earth.

Ready to take action?

We believe this is the future. If you would like to participate by donating or getting involved, we would love your support in making this dream a reality around the world.

“The biodynamic farmer is called to become both student [of Nature] and guide [of Nature spirits], as he learns from and works with nature, gradually achieving within his soul a transformation of knowledge into contemplative devotions.”

Hartmut von Jeete’s

We want a future where people, earth, and spirit work together in harmony.

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